大胆思考、分析、求证,尖锐批判! mind change my way and the world*****“夫君子之行:静以修身,俭以养德。非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。夫学须静也,才须学也。非学无以广才,非静无以成学。慆慢则不能研精,险躁则不能理性。年与时驰,意与日去,遂成枯落,多不接世。悲守穷庐,将复何及”~诸葛亮《戒子篇》

thepplway 求真思想博客







(一) 以全民的立场, 不分种族, 肤色, 宗教, 无党无派地评论, 分析对我国人民产生重大影响的政纲, 政策, 制度, 课题及任何重大事件.

(二) 本网站下载及转载关于世界及各国的经济, 贸易和金融等的文章, 资料, 统计数据供参阅, 同时以世界宏观的论点来评论, 分析我国马来西亚的政治, 经济, 文化及教育等领域. 希望在汇合大家的智慧, 集思广益, 能够绘制以全民福祉及以全民为本的治国政纲, 政策及制度.

(三) 我们希望, 通过本网站及其他认同上述立场及原则的网站的共同努力, 能够逐渐淡化及消除具有浓厚的种族主义, 宗教色采的政纲, 政策及制度. 任何执政者 ( 不论是国阵阵线或民联阵线) 的施政都必须以全民为依归. 不偏不倚, 严明, 廉正, 透明及反腐反贪.

(四) 本网站所刊载的文章及资料无任欢迎凡持相同理念的各界人士给于意见, 建议及评论. 同时欢迎任何政治团体( 执政舆反对阵线), 民间组织及个别人士参考及采纳.

(五) 本网站是非营利性质, 坚持中立原则.

(六) 本网站所刊载的任何评论及分析文章或资料若有侵犯任何版权或任何错误, 在获得通知将会立即道歉及更正.

Written by CPI
Monday, 07 January 2008 00:19
Mission Statement

The Centre for Policy Initiatives was formally established as a non-profit policy reform organization in June 2007. Its mission is focused on providing the policy interested public, academia, private sector, government and other key stakeholders with accurate information, data and analysis on vital national issues affecting the country’s economy and society. The Centre also aims to act as a independent and uncompromising watchdog on democratization, good governance and public policy reform.

CPI Activities

Since its establishment, the CPI has been active in efforts aimed at raising the level of public awareness and discourse on key national issues. It is also working with other civil society organizations in monitoring our progress towards a strong and resilient democratic system

Besides its website work, the CPI has been actively engaged in

organizing public meetings on important subjects such as restoring local elections and the role of bloggers in promoting civil society

issuing press statements and policy notes on issues of public concern, including those focusing on civil liberties, the judiciary, the mass media, repressive laws and regulations such the Universities and University Colleges Act, academic freedom, local government reform, etc.

disseminating information providing guidance to voters during the March general election.

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~~我们可以悲观,但是绝对不能绝望!~~You 're never walk alone!

When the Nazis came for the communists,I remained silent;I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats,I remained silent;I was not a social democrat.
When they came for the trade unionists,I did not speak out;I was not a trade unionist.
When they came for the Jews,I remained silent;I was not a Jew.
When they came for me,there was no one left to speak out.
Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)~